I am a recent Front-End engineering graduate from The Iron Yard Orlando. I started my career as a delivery driver, but I have always had an interest in technology. With that interest, I felt it was time to change careers and pursue something that I would really enjoy.
Here are some projects that I have worked on.
For my final project at The Iron Yard I built a web application for truck drivers. The purpose of it is so they can post details about stops to help inform other drivers about potential safety issues or special delivery instructions for the stop.
To view the live demo click here
To view the code on github you can go here
Updating this to Angular 2. Code and progress can be viewed here
Half-way through school we were paired up for the first time to create something using APIs. My group decided to make an app that promoted the idea of finding outdoor activities to do in the Orlando area.
To view the code on github you can go here
While working with Jenmar International I was tasked with creating a site where a user could sign up to recieve more information about the company and the the main application I worked on. I used Angular Material for designing the site and AngularJS for functionality of the form.
To view the site you can go here
This is a simple HTML and CSS page I made. I purposefully primarly designed with basic HTML and CSS.
To view the live demo you can go here
To view the code on github you can go here
Here is a link to download my resume to see my full work history.
Here is a link to my Codepen profile to see some of my smaller works I have done.
Feel free to e-mail me or give me call.